Where is the mystery solved in the glasgow mystery

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How many years must have elapsed between parts two and three in the story of dead stars? What are the names of objects or creatures in the story of the magat river that bear the marks of the community? A post-mortem examination concluded that Mary had died after being strangled at least five days earlier. The key pillars of a modern murder investigation - DNA, CCTV, digital forensics and social media - were not available to detectives in and they had very little to work with. There were no witnesses and, despite taking hundreds of statements, officers from the then Strathclyde Police were met with a poor response from the local community.

Forensic science was always going to be the key to unlocking the case, but by four separate reviews had failed to yield a profile of the suspect. The fifth review was launched in and the eventual breakthrough was made possible by a new DNA-profiling facility at the Scottish Crime Campus in Gartcosh, North Lanarkshire.

Previously experts could look at 11 individual DNA markers but the latest technology was capable of identifying This dramatically increased the odds of scientists obtaining a result from smaller or lower-quality samples.

Tom Nelson, director of forensics for the Scottish Police Authority, said in that the technology would make it possible to "reach back in time, with the potential to rekindle justice for those who had all but given up hope". At the time of the murder experts only had very basic opportunities open to them, such as blood grouping and serum testing. Forensic scientist Joanne Cochrane said: "One of the benefits of a case from that era is that often very little was done with the productions.

In Mary's case experts decided in to untie a knot in the ligature that had been tightened by the killer 35 years earlier. This time they were able to take advantage of technology she described as "gold standard". Ms Cochrane told the trial: "We felt that within the knot might be protected from contamination.

We felt there was a possibility of retrieving DNA from within the knot. Peter Tobin was jailed in for the murder of Bathgate schoolgirl Vicky Hamilton. Her body was found in , buried along with the remains of year-old Dinah McNicol in the garden of Tobin's former home in Kent.

He was jailed for a minimum of 37 years in after becoming the first person in Scotland to be tried for the same crime twice after a change in double jeopardy laws. John Docherty murdered year-old Elaine Doyle in Greenock as she made her way home from a nightclub in June - but he was not convicted until His case was the first to go to trial following an investigation by the Crown Office's cold case unit.

Previous examinations of the cord had only found Mary's DNA and a trace that was not possible to analyse. But DNA24 analysis picked up a minor profile from the knot. And when it was run through the Scottish database, police finally had a prime suspect. The jury heard the likelihood of the forensic sample on the cord belonging to someone other than McGill was 85, to one. Profiles were also found on a cigarette butt and on Mary's dress but this time the odds of it not being McGill soared to a billion to one.

A fourth sample was found on a black bra he took from the flat but which was later found in a nearby garden. She said: "He was quite tight lipped.

You could tell he was shell-shocked and he probably wasn't expecting his past to come back and haunt him 35 years later. At the time of his arrest he was still being managed as a sex offender, but was working in the Glasgow area as a fabricator for a company based in Linwood, Renfrewshire. After McGill's conviction last month , the court heard he was also jailed for life in for a brutal assault with intent to ravish and released on licence in Det Supt Chow described McGill as "a sexual predator and a real danger to the public".

During the investigation Police Scotland's homicide governance review team trawled through his life and tracked down his ex-wife, Suzanne Russell. She recalled a conversation from in which he confessed to killing a woman he met in a pub after going back to her flat.

But Ms Russell later told the jury that McGill threatened to kill her if she ever told anyone. She added: "He said he strangled her and said he just wanted to know what it felt like to kill someone. Sam Poling investigates the brutal murder of Emma Caldwell. After three days of evidence, the jury in McGill's trial took just over two hours to return a unanimous guilty verdict. On Tuesday, the year-old was jailed for life and ordered to serve a minimum of 14 years in prison.

Lord Burns said McGill had murdered Mary after a "chance encounter", and that he had shown no remorse. The judge added that Mary's family had been forced to wait more than 35 years to discover who was responsible for her death - knowing that whoever was responsible was probably still at large. After the sentence, Mary's son Martin Cullen said: "Hopefully he dies in jail. Police believe the prosecution will now give hope to other families waiting for justice.

Det Supt Chow said: "These cases are not forgotten about. Just because they are not resolved at the time doesn't mean that we don't still think about these people who have been victims of crimes and that we don't think about their families. She added that McGill's conviction also sends out a powerful message to other cold case killers.

It will come back and haunt you one day. Serial sex offender found guilty of murder.


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