Where is the others village on oahu

Why the Others did not resume occupation of the facility is unknown. After the death of Juliet , Sawyer left the Temple despite the warnings by Dogen that he should not leave. Kate knocked out both men and found Sawyer, at his and Juliet's home at the Barracks, on her own. Kate and Sawyer discussed Juliet's death at the submarine jetty and Sawyer told Kate he had been planning to ask Juliet to marry him.

He then threw Juliet's engagement ring into the water and told Kate to go back to the temple while he remained there. Later on that day, Sawyer continued to get drunk in his home and listened to a song titled "Search and Destroy" while the smoke monster arrived at the barracks and looked into his home. While in the house, Sawyer and the Man in Black shared a drink and Sawyer questioned who the Man in Black was because he was not scared, while the real John Locke always was.

The Man in Black then said that, if Sawyer came with him, he could provide the answer to the most important question there was: Why are you on this Island?

After some initial reluctance, Sawyer agreed to go along. Richard Alpert , Benjamin Linus , and Miles Straume traveled to the Barracks to collect explosives to destroy the Ajira plane, after Hurley destroyed all of the Black Rock ' s remaining dynamite. After finding out the Man in Black arrived at the dock, Miles fled the Barracks, Widmore and Zoe hid in the secret room, and Richard and Ben went out to confront him.

Richard was then attacked by the Monster, and thrown out of sight. In the " flash-sideways ", in which the Island was somehow submerged beneath the ocean, the Barracks were seen, mostly intact. It is unknown how the Island sank or what caused it to do so. It is not entirely clear where many of the Barracks locations are in respect to one another. Signficant locations will be described here.

Attractive concrete pathways wound their way between the buildings lined with what appeared to be solar-powered garden lights. A number of speakers were set at occasion along the paths along with posts containing security cameras and floodlights which could be activated on the event of a security breach.

The Barracks had no telephone or electrical poles - which suggests the presence of an underground power distribution system. Several white picket fences seemed to denote various yards or garden areas. Neglected for some three years, by the grounds were definitely showing signs of age, neglect, and abandonment. In a video podcast , Co-Executive Producer Jean Higgins revealed that, while the outside of the houses are filmed at YMCA Camp Erdman in Hawaii , the interior shots are all filmed using a single set with decoration changes as appropriate to ownership of the house.

In , a member of DHARMA named Heather was told to keep an armed guard over the time traveling Survivors in her home after the sonar fence perimeter was breached. When LaFleur called for help over the walkie , he identified the house as building In , Richard Alpert breached a wall in the Tunnels for Jack and Sayid such that they could carry the bomb core to the Swan site.

The opening led into Horace Goodspeed 's basement. Juliet's house was where she lived for three years after coming to the Island. It was a yellow, one story house, and as described by Ben, there were two bedrooms and two bathrooms.

Later, Hurley was briefly imprisoned in a closet in this house. In Lost: The Official Magazine Volume 1, Issue 9, official art by Scott Cobb shows Juliet's house having wooden roof beams, a television set, a dining room table, and the area where the book club met. A kitchen is also seen, as well as a hallway leading, presumably, to the bedrooms and bathrooms. Unlike most of the houses at the Barracks, Ben 's house was two stories.

The house contained a collection of paintings of various locations on the Island; these were mounted upon the walls in at least two rooms. There were also photographs of Alex at various ages also framed on the walls, as well as a painting of a woman , which was also seen in the Linus' home in " The Man Behind the Curtain ". There were also various carved masks and relics hanging throughout the house. The living room area contained a large heavy bookshelf with many volumes. Since Ben's surgery in Season 3, the house was retrofitted to make access and living easier for a wheelchair-bound occupant, including a motorized bed.

Ben looks at the pictures of the young Alex on his wall. Following the breakup of the Oceanic Flight survivors into various factions , Locke took Ben's house for his own. Hidden behind one of the paintings in the living room is a safe with two objects inside: a videotape marked "Red Sox" containing a recording of Charles Widmore and a folder which Ben claimed contained everything he knew about Widmore. A large, heavy bookcase in the living room of Ben's house concealed a doorway into a secret closet.

The room appeared to be some sort of office or wardrobe. Numerous changes of clothing and shoes were present and the desk contained large bundles of cash in a variety of international currencies, multiple passports belonging to Ben in various aliases. The room also had a thick, heavy barrier that dropped down to seal the entrance from the rest of the house.

Beyond a hanging row of suit jackets in the closet lay yet another hidden door , this one made of stone with carvings and appearing to be extremely old. Beyond this door was a small tunnel leading downward to a pool of stagnant brown water. The Monster could be summoned by pulling a plug at the bottom fo the pool, allowing the water to escape through a drain.

The house's basement was older and more industrial looking than the floor above it. Jack in his house " The Man from Tallahassee ". Jack lived with the Others briefly while Ben was in recovery after his surgery. The house Jack was assigned to was rigged with security cameras. The house contained a main living area including a piano and a short corridor leading, presumably, to a bedroom.

Ben was given this house to live in after he regained Locke 's trust. Claire's house is hit with an RPG. Claire and Aaron lived for a short time in a house at the Barracks. The house was destroyed when one of Widmore's mercenaries blew it up with a rocket launcher.

The Welcome Center was the first stop for recruits after they have been checked in at the Processing Center. It was the source for any information regarding departments and procedures on the island. The center was also used for training and educational programs. Monitors displaying live feeds from cameras located around the Barracks. Beneath the building east of the Welcome Center was located an underground bunker-like security office. The location popped up a few times—when Kate and Sawyer found a locked case and dead bodies while swimming, where Paolo found his diamonds what was with this storyline?

Add some actors, and Waialua becomes Nigeria. The area was used as a village to tell Mr. So much for church vs. Its most memorable aspects were a large swinging pendulum and a catlike woman named Eloise who always hung out there.

Sacred Hearts was used as the church, the final gathering place for all of the survivors whose most important times in life took place on The Island after a party at Bishop Museum, of course. This flash-sideways ending confused pretty much everyone who watched the show, but we loved it anyway.

Let us know in the comments! Join us on a virtual tour of the show. Having obtained permission to marry, Jin formally proposes to Sun on a bridge outside her father's stately home.

This is actually a bypass road that allows you to travel north to the shoreline of East Oahu. The Sydney Airport is an important location for numerous scenes in the first season of Lost. It is, of course, from here that Flight leaves on its doomed flight to Los Angeles. The glass-front center opened in and features a rooftop tropical garden, glass-encased meeting rooms and outdoor function spaces lined with giant palm trees. The architects gave special attention to the idea of relating the building to its Waikiki environment and Hawaii's history and culture.

Lost Season 1, Episode 20 is an episode that raises many more questions than it answers. It is a back story about Jack. We learn that Jack has saved the life of a woman named Sara in an automobile accident and in the course of her recovery they have fallen in love and intend to be married. Whether Jack and Sara are actually pronounced man and wife have not been answered.

Nor do we yet know what has happened to Sara since Jack never has mentioned her on the island, nor does he wear his wedding ring. The wedding scene was filmed at the wedding gazebo on the east end of the property near the shoreline. Hurley's golf course is located within the Ka'a'awa Valley quite close to the location where Dr. Hurley Hugo Reyes is one of the most popular characters on Lost.

In Season 1, Episode 18, Hurley has won the lottery and decides to surprise his mother with a new house. He blindfolds her and drives her to the new home, only to watch it burst into flames right before his eyes. The home used for this scene is located in the Kahala neighborhood of Oahu, just east of Diamond Head. This area has some of the most luxurious homes on the island. The Oceanic 6, once eager to leave the island are persuaded or forced to return.

They board Ajira Airlines flight en-route to Guam only to once again pass through the anomaly that transports several of them back to Jack arrives nearby in the jungle and rushes to their aid, diving into the water from the top of the waterfall.

This waterfall and pond are located in Waimea Valley , which has 1, acres of land and has been a sacred place for more than years of Native Hawaiian history. Ever since the end of Season 1, the second beach camp of Lost has been the scene of many of the series' most exciting moments. It has long been rumored that when Lost became an instant hit in the original beach set at Mokule'ia suddenly became a mecca for Lost fans, hence the need to move the camp to a more remote location. In order to reach the beach camp, you'll need to park at the small parking area at the end of Papailoa Road and take the narrow public access path to the beach.

You'll then make a left on the beach and hike for about minutes to the set location. Eko's character joined the cast of lost in the show's second season, and for many fans, his tenure on the show was much too short. Eko grew up in Nigeria in a small village.

He looked after his younger brother Yemi. When a gang of guerrillas raided their village, Eko came to his brother's rescue when his brother was ordered to shoot an old man. Eko took the gun and shot the man himself, sparing his brother from the task. The guerrillas took Eko under their wing and soon he became their leader and the drug lord. His brother grew up to become a priest. Of all of Lost 's filming locations none is more popular than the Barracks or the village of the Others.

It is here where the Dharma Initiative made its home on the island and where, after the Purge, Ben and the Others lived. Season 5 of Lost made extensive use of this site for most of the episodes featuring the Dharma Initiative.

The Processing Center is where the new Dharma recruits receive their work assignments and uniforms. If you visit this Lost filming location, please note that it is private property. You must stop by the camp office and ask permission. A small donation to the camp will usually help ease your way. Actively scan device characteristics for identification.


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